December 8, 2022
7 min read
😍 Why online simp is a problem
yes i'm a SIMP: S-exually I-nactive M-en P-lease help me
This blog contains swear words and adult terms and it also may include materials that some viewers may find offensive (like yo mama joke). Viewer discretion is advised.
You probably have heard about the term simp by now, since the word is usually misused by a lot of people online over a smallest act of kindness to girls.

like just stfu dude, you're not my dad
But hear me out, not everyone on the internet is showing kindness for nothing. While some of them are being nice just because, some people rather act like a complete idiot and misses the point of being a nice person. While i do agree that not thanking someone after helping you is a dick move, people should never expect any praise or thanks to be given to them.
Now back to the point about the simps, simps usually do something kind to people that they liked while also expecting something for return, like a simple thanks or sweet words from the person. Now some of them chose to stay humane and sane by not going over the line, but the rest of them are just doing speedrun about being a creepy weirdo.
I used to be on a lot of Vtuber communities during my old pixel art glory days, and so it is filled with simps and weeb that really love their oshi (idol). Now when i saw they love their oshi, by that i mean they really love their oshi to the point that some of them might even stalk their past life and doxx them.
At this point, im not really surprised if there is someone that did superchat like this to their oshi:
Major lack of love
Let's be honest, we probably have been lacking some love at some point in our lives, and im not here to bash on people who lacks them, but this is some serious issue that may lead to some undesirable events.

Ever wondered sometimes why do some of us felt like going to school is so much more fun than just being at home? Well thats kinda weird right, why are you having more fun doing exams, completing a long list tasks made by your teacher instead of slacking around at home and talking with your family.
Well my theory is you feel more love coming from chatting with your friends at school or by having fun with the teachers rather than being at home and get told to do the dishes by your parents.
And so the same things happened to all of the intenet simps, since most of them are introvert and rarely talked or even have a conversation with a normal human being, simping to their idols are their coping mechanism to achieve the love that they're lacking and desperately need.
Now, there is 2 types of simps, a casual simp and a hardcore simp. Casual simp is a term to describe someone who is just simping just because they can and just because it is fun. On the other hand, hardcore simp is a term for simps that is too invested in their idols life, by what they wear, what they say on social media, their drama and etc.

comparison between hardcore and casual simps
Now, as you can see from the chart, casual simpers doesn't actually have a lot of issue if they dont recieve the love from the one they're simping to. This is obviously very different than the hardcore simps that rely solely for their idols to fulfill their love.
Natural-born assholes
Someone is gotta be an asshole somewhere, they're the reason why we can't have nice things in this world.
I'm on the internet, I'm invincible!
I hate how people think just because they're invincible on the internet, they can hurt other people's feeling, waste their time and be a complete nuisance to other people aswell.
Like this is the perfect example for it:
Like, i know that she looks hot af and i know you guys are trying to be funny and just doing it for the lols, i also know that you guys are actually not THAT horny even if some of you are, it's just that you should remember that behind your screen there is an actual human being with human feelings.
Why did she show her sexy body on the internet then 😒
While i do agree that people shouldn't be on the internet if they don't want to be bullied or criticized, i highly disagree on how these guys treated her because that is not what the internet is for, it's not a place for bullying and harming other people. People should never normalize these kinds of behaviour, so try to always be appropriate. She is not in the making of 18+ videos, so keep your sausage down.
Now, have you ever felt like girls online usually ignore you when you dm them more than when u dmed boys? Well, i wouldn't blame them for being so defensive when there is a lot of creepy simps online harassing them.
Cause i know they probably have gotten this message at least once in their lifetime (even i have when using anime girl profile pic) :
Hi beautifull 💖💖💖
2:00 AM
2:58 AM
How did you get my number?
2:58 AM
send bob and Vegana please
3:00 AM
iM nice guy and virgin
3:00 AM
10:32 PM
You blocked this contact. Tap to unblock
And so, i kinda get why people potrays simping as a bad thing and a thing that we must avoid, But that is actually not true, simping is not a bad thing, it's about how excessive some people that are simping is.
I'm not making this blog to hate on some communities that supports simping, it is like a knife, it depends on how the person that is using it, do they use it just to slice vegetables, or do they use it to kill someone. You CAN'T blame the knife itself.
As i said earlier, I have been in a Vtuber community before, and while there is a lot of creeps and assholes, there is also a lot of nice people that is geniunely love the entertainment that their idol has given to them,
And so for me, simping is a normal thing, the point of entertainers is to entertain people and make themselves be loved by everyone. It just that you must keep in mind that they're humans too, whether it's a Vtuber, cosplayer, e-girl or even p*rnstars, they're all humans and have feelings outside and inside their online persona.
So simp sufficiently and appropriately, you deserve their love and they deserve yours too!
Obviously, i'm more biased towards women but this issue also happened to men, i just haven't experienced it and don't have time to do my research, sorry not sorry xo.
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